Tuesday, May 22, 2012

High-Order ScalaCheck

Consider the following definition of a category:

trait Category[~>[_, _]] {
def id[A]: A ~> A
def compose[A, B, C](f: A ~> B)(g: B ~> C): A ~> C

Here's an instance for unary functions:

object Category {
implicit def fCat = new Category[Function1] {
def id[A] = identity
def compose[A, B, C](f: A => B)(g: B => C) = g.compose(f)

Now, categories are subject to some laws. Relating composition (.) and identity (id):

forall f: categoryArrow -> id . f == f . id == f

I want to test this with ScalaCheck. Let's try for functions over integers:

"Categories" should {
import Category._

val intG = { (_ : Int) - 5 }

"left identity" ! check {
forAll { (a: Int) => fCat.compose(fCat.id[Int])(intG)(a) == intG(a) }

"right identity" ! check {
forAll { (a: Int) => fCat.compose(intG)(fCat.id)(a) == intG(a) }

But these are quantified over (i) a specific type (Int), and (ii) a specific function (intG). So here's my question: how far can I go in terms of generalizing the above tests, and how? Or, in other words, would it be possible to create a generator of arbitrary A => B functions, and provide those to ScalaCheck?

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