Monday, May 14, 2012

Type Error when using prototypes

I'm just getting started on Prototypes, and I'm trying to test different things on a website I'm developing. But I stumbled upon an error and I'm not sure why, because I was using that property before and it worked.

I ain't no experienced JavaScript developer, I'm still learning, but here's what I got:

var defaults = {
local_storage_key : "Cluster",
plugin_navigation : ".navigation",
plugin_wrapper : "content-wrapper",
iqns_class : ".iqn"

var Clusters = function(environment, options){

this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);

this.environment = environment;

this.viewport = $(window);

this.viewport_width = this.viewport.width();
this.viewport_height = this.viewport.height();

this.data_key = this.options.local_storage_key;

this.iqns_class = this.viewport.find(this.options.iqns_class);

this.iqn = this.iqns_class.parent();

this.shop_initiated = false;

this.plugin_navigation = this.options.plugin_navigation;

this.plugin_wrapper = this.options.plugin_wrapper;

this.initiate_plugin(this.plugin_navigation, {
containerID : this.plugin_wrapper,
first : false,
previous : false,
next : false,
last : false,
startPage : this.get_local_storage_data(),
perPage : 6,
midRange : 15,
startRange : 1,
endRange : 1,
keyBrowse : false,
scrollBrowse: false,
pause : 0,
clickStop : true,
delay : 50,
direction : "auto",
animation : "fadeInUp",
links : "title",
fallback : 1000,
minHeight : true,
callback : function(pages) {




Clusters.prototype.set_local_storage_data = function(data_val) {
return localStorage.setItem(this.data_key, data_val);

Clusters.prototype.get_local_storage_data = function() {
return +(localStorage.getItem(this.data_key) || 1);

Clusters.prototype.shop_iqns_selected_class = function() {
var self = this;
if (this.viewport_width < 980) {
$(this.iqns_class).each(function(index, element) {
var element = $(element);
$(self.iqn).on('click', function() {
if (element.hasClass('selected')) {
} else {

Clusters.prototype.initiate_plugin = function(plugin_navigation, plugin_options) {
return $(plugin_navigation).jPages(plugin_options);

Clusters.prototype.initiate_auxiliars = function() {
return this.shop_iqns_selected_class();

Clusters.prototype.set_environment = function() {
if(this.environment == "Development") {
less.env = "development";;

var cluster = new Clusters("Development");

I'm sure there's something I'm doing wrong or misunderstood about Prototyping, because otherwise I wouldn't get any errors. I'm just asking for some opinions or some directions on what I'm doing wrong, and what I should do or shouldn't do.

This is the error I get:

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'set_local_storage_data' on line 53

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